Pokèmon- Gotta Catch èm All

Pokémon (English: Pokémon, Japanese: ポケボン) is a media franchise owned by the Japanese video game companies, Nintendo, Game Freak (en) and Critters (en), which was originally created by Satoshi Tejiri. The original product in the franchise was a pair of role-playing games marketed by Nintendo in 1996 as video games for the Gameboy portable game console.

As of 2019 Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise of all time with an estimated value of approximately $100 billion, the second highest grossing anime series of all time, and as of 2017 the second highest selling video game franchise in the world after Mario (including its sub-franchise Super Bros Mario).[1] Under the franchise, an anime series, a large number of manga series, toys, video games, card games, books and more are marketed. As of May 2010, over 200 million video games of the franchise have been sold.

The name Pokemon is based on the Latin transliteration of the brand name in Japanese - "Pocket Monsters" (ポケットモンスタ - Pokuto Monsota, and in English: Pocket Monster). In addition to the franchise itself, the term "Pokémon" also refers to the 1,020 known fictional varieties of the monsters that appear in the media franchise. To this day, they continue to produce new games and Pokemon.

The game was designed and developed by Tejiri between 1991-1995 for Nintendo. The game was based on a hobby the creator had as a child - collecting insects. The players function as "Pokemon Trainers" who can capture, collect, exchange and train Pokemon with different abilities and use them to fight other Pokemon Trainers in battles based on conventional Japanese insect battles. These battles can strengthen the strength and power of the Pokemon in the player's possession. In these battles, the Pokemon never bleed or die. The goal is to stun the opponent and win. The English word describing a situation in which a Pokemon has lost a battle and cannot continue fighting is "fainted", which means "fainted" in Hebrew.In 1996, Nintendo released the role-playing game Pokemon on the market as a video game for the portable game console Game Boy, and two years later a version was released for the home game console Nintendo 64. The term "Pokemon", apart from being the name of the game, became a collective name for the 1,020 Pokemon participating in the game, in the series and in the movies.

Following the success of the game, the Pokemon brand was commercialized and an animation series, manga booklets, collecting cards and booklets for sticking them, board games, books, toys, and a variety of products featuring characters from the series such as: clothing, student diaries, notebooks, cups and more came to market. On the tenth anniversary of the game's release, a summary was made according to which a total of 155 million units of the game were sold in all its versions.